- "He really liked his one on one time today." really means William wouldn't sit by himself for even one second.
- "William is getting used to tummy time." really means William screams and cries when we set him on his tummy to strengthen his neck and arms. He is falling behind his peers.
- "He is fine as long as he can see me." really means William requires attention almost constantly.
If you can't read the above note, it says, "William had a 'hold me' Monday. He wasn't having fun with tummy-time at all. He enjoyed storytime as we read 'Animal Sounds' and 'Baby Mickey's Toys'. A bit fussy today. Yet he was content with tasting the book. Much love and care given by teachers. :) "
And, yes, William was "tasting" the book when I got there. Slobbering all over the pages. He was sitting in a bouncy chair where he teacher said he had been for only 5 minutes that day, otherwise insisting on being held. Ladies and gentleman, I have created a "hold me," attention-needy monster.
Sounds like Mommy is reading a bit too much between the lines! how can that cutie be anything but perfect? (note: Aunt Bridget is not biased at all)