We went on our first trip via plane with William.
We were terrified of how it would go.
We were relieved at how well it went.
This child could not have been a better behaved boy if we had paid him. He was an angel on the plane (slept some, but in general was just awake and happy), slept the ENTIRE time on the drives to and from the Orlando airport to our destination (2 hours each way), and was in general, just a fantastic little baby.
He also behaved incredibly well in Florida - napping like a champ, cooing, smiling, and charming everyone in sight.
Hip, hip, hooray!
(Now, let's see if this was a travel miracle, a 3-month old turning point, or a freak accident!)
I hope that it was the second thing on your list. From Nana's perspective he was an absolute angel!