The boy is four months old!
He is drooling up a storm, which requires him to wear bibs almost every day...which totally ruins the style of his cute outfits!
We had his four month check-up yesterday.
- He weighs 14 pounds and 13 ounces - just about the 50th percentile.
- He is 25" long - just about the 50th percentile.
- His poor head though is still on the smaller side - 25th percentile. It doesn't LOOK small and I think that is because of his cheeks. Obviously, they aren't taken into account in the "head measurement". :)
In other developmental notes, he started laughing this past weekend. First he laughed at Beaux. Then last night he was laughing with Michael while daddy gave him his bath.
He has not laughed for/with me yet. Apparently I am not funny.
Right now:
- William loves his exersaucer.
- A burp cloth is one of his favorite "toys." He likes to hold it and "chew" on it.
- One of his favorite things is to have his socks taken off so he can rub his feet together
- He is getting used to daycare - which he seems to like, but also seems to find exhausting. He pretty much goes right to bed when he gets home. From what I've heard, he will get a bit more used to this and will get less cranky at night over the next couple weeks.